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How to puff print on fabric?

If you like printed clothes and images that appear on the surface of the fabric, this is an article that teaches you how to print on such fabrics.

Puff print ink: this is a technique used by the shirt printing industry to create patterns and writing on the surface of shirts. In order to create high-quality, exclusive aesthetic products that are hard to replicate, it is possible to apply additional or concurrent application with other techniques.

Method of mixing ink: mix ink, paste, substrate well; Stir the emulsifier with binder, stir until the consistency is high.

Creating letters and emboss: thanks to the foam of ink created during steaming or drying. This is done by using the ink component to print patterns, puff print letters on the surface of the fabric. Shaping is possible thanks to a product that is transformed from natural rubber or plastic, which transforms into foam when steamed.

Recipe reference:
830g Lutexal lake HSD
30g Lupritol float substance 4053
10g Dibutylfala softener
100g Ryudye binder
30g pigment color.
Create puff print pattern: used for decorating on fabric

First, soak the fabric in a wall emulsion solution (make a self-made multi-capacitor resin), rolling and then dried. Then, laminating the fabric between the hot shaft with a pattern engraved from 140 -1500 degrees Celsius. The plastic then turned into a film thanks to the effect of pressure and temperature, forming puff print patterns on the surface of the fabric.

Drying and post-processing: when printing is finished, dry and bring the product to steam saturated steam at 130-150 degrees C, or it can also be heated with hot air at this temperature. But this process is quite costly so you use heat press to be both fast and cheap.

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